Osteoporotic Fractures disable, disfigure, and kill more women each year than breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke combined. Half of all women over age 50 will suffer an Osteoporotic (Fragility)...
Tuesday, April 17th from 6 PM to 7 PM Cedar Valley Bone Health Institute of Iowa 4006 Johnathan Street, Waterloo, IA Topic: Answers to your Questions
This week I spent 2 days advising Orthopedic Surgeons about how to deal with Osteoporotic patients. Identifying the Osteoporotic (Fragility) Fracture is the easy part. Correcting the Osteoporosis is more challenging....
Fragility Fractures are fractures caused by osteoporosis. Fragility Fractures cost an enormous amount of money. They also cause pain, suffering, disability, nursing home stays, and death. The estimated total cost of...
Genistein is the main active ingredient in the “Medical Food” Fosteum. A “medical food” is a “natural supplement” of nutrients not commonly found in regular food, which is designed to...
What determines “osteoporosis”? Is it DXA and BMD? Perhaps VFA and the lateral spine? What is the importance of Kyphosis? When is a collapsed vertebra a fracture? These are all...
You know that Smoking can cause Lung Cancer, Asthma, Emphysema, and COPD. Smoking also increases the Risk of Fractures, the Risk of Fractures Not Healing, and the Risk of Osteoporosis. ...
New Year’s Resolutions. The routine ones are getting tired. So what can I do that’s different? What do I need? I am worried about the economy, jobs, Europe, Iran, gas...
I will be visiting family. I hope you will be too. Remember that increased fracture risk and osteoporosis often run in families. Encourage your family members to read the Take Control Naturally series...
If you have a Vertebroplasty or a Kyphoplasty, you have Osteoporosis! Both procedures are done for painful, fresh Vertebral Compression Fractures (crunches of the spine). If your spine goes crunch...