National Fracture Prevention Foundation

Fracture Prevention was the theme at NOF (National Osteoporosis Foundation) this year.  This has always been their goal, but it has not been well communicated. Fractures are bad.  Fractures are painful. ...

Kids Learn About Bone Health

The Imaginarium (Children’s Science Museum) at the Grout Museum in Waterloo, IA is teaching bone health this summer.  Good choices for bone health during growing years are the best way...

Orthopedic Surgeons At NOF !!!

Orthopedic Surgeons treat fractures.  Now Orthopods are joining the fight to Prevent Fractures. At the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) 2015 meeting, Orthopedic Surgeons were the most numerous specialty among docs...

Teaching Bone Health

Every patient visit is teaching Bone Health.  Proper nutrition with Calcium, Vitamin D3, Protein, Multiple Vitamins& Minerals.  Balance, Exercises, and Fall Prevention.  Not just the patient, but the whole family....

Tai Chi at Sunrise

My wife and I visited the tropics during January.  We did Tai Chi every morning while watching the sun rise.  A Blue Zone experience.  Worth getting up early! Tai Chi...

Not Me !!!

I often hear: “I do not have osteoporosis, but my friend…”  How are you certain that you do not have a bone health issue that could be improved upon?  By...

Birthday Disease

“Why did I Fracture?” and “Why do I have Osteoporosis?” are common questions I hear from older women and men.  They are taking Calcium and Vitamin D3, eating a diet...

How Hard Is It To Manage Bone Density?

Wrong Question!  What you should be managing is Fracture Risk.  If you only look at Bone Mineral Density (BMD), you miss the chance to decrease Fracture Risk in the overwhelming...

World Osteoporosis Day 2014

“Real Men Build Their Strength from Within” is this year’s campaign by the International Osteoporosis Foundation.  Today is World Osteoporosis Day for 2014, and the beginnning of the international campaign....