Primary HyperParaThyroidism

Primary HyperParaThyroidism is the result of one of the 4 Parathyroid glands going completely out of control.  It grows in size and puts out increasing amounts of Parathyroid hormone.  This...

Tertiary HyperParaThyroidism – Reset Thermostat

Tertiary HyperParaThyroidism is becoming common among older individuals.  Or maybe we are just beginning to notice what it really is.  The blood tests are the same as Primary HyperParaThyroidism – high...

HyperParaThyroidism Steals Calcium From Bone

High ParaThyroid Hormone (PTH) levels take Calcium out of your Bones.  This is good as an occasional event to cover short periods of low calcium intake.   Bones store calcium for...

PTH is ParaThyroid Hormone

PTH is ParaThyroid Hormone.  This is not Thyroid.  The Parathyroid glands live next to the thyroid gland.  They are like 4 spots on the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland’s wings.  But their...

HyperParaThyroidism Part 3

Secondary Hyperparathyroidism is quite common.  I see a new case nearly every week.  Secondary Hyperparathyroidism happens when the parathyroid glands are doing their job. If you do not have enough...

HyperParaThyroidism Part 2

Primary Hyperparathyroidism is much less common but much easier to explain.  We will deal with that first. Primary Hyperparathyroidism is usually due to an enlargement of one of the 4...

HyperParaThyroidism Part 1

Hyperparathyroidism is found in a surprising number of patients by testing for PTH level.  Primary Hyperparathyroidism remains rare.  We have found 3 cases in 4 years.  However, we are finding...