Start with a Complete Bone Health Evaluation

You just tripped and suffered a minor fracture?  You just started menopause or male low “T”?  You are now on Medicare?  Are you concerned about your bone health?  If not,...

Just DXA is Not Enough

DXA identifies only 15% of persons with increased Fracture Risk.  Are you in the other 85%?  To find out, you should get a Complete Bone Health Evaluation.  And that is……....

TSH Screens for Thyroid Function

TSH is Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.  This is the common screen for thyroid function.  Thyroid function decreases with age, often suddenly.  In women this often happens between 40 and 70.  “Low thyroid”(hypothyroidism) is...

What’s That For?

Patients often ask “What’s that for?” when I order blood tests.  They understand that DXA is for Bone Mineral Density (BMD).  They understand Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA) when I show...

A Happy and Healthy New Year

Happy New Year.  This is the first day of the rest of your life.                           If you could...

Get a Complete Bone Health Evaluation

“When should I get another DXA?”  That was the question from a 70+ year old at the PEO group I talked to recently.  That is the wrong question! Don’t get...

Resolve to Take Control Naturally

New Year’s Resolutions.  The routine ones are getting tired.  So what can I do that’s different?  What do I need? I am worried about the economy, jobs, Europe, Iran, gas...

Take Control Naturally – Know Where You Stand

You want to take control of your own bone health destiny to avoid osteoporosis.  You want to do it “naturally” without modern pharmaceuticals.  This is often possible.  But how do...