A Happy and Healthy New Year

January 1, 2013 Leave your thoughts

Happy New Year.  This is the first day of the rest of your life.                           If you could have anything at all, what would it be?  Good Health should be at the top of the list!

We know we should worry about heart attacks, breast (or prostate) cancer, and stroke.  But more women have unnecessary Fragility Fractures each year than all 3 of the above combined.  More men have Fragility Fractures each year than any one of the above.  Bummer…….

When should you start working toward good Bone Health?  Before a fracture would be a good time.  When is that?  Now, but how?

Start with a Complete Bone Health Evaluation.  That is DXA, VFA, 25-hydroxy Vitamin D level, PTH, TSH, CBC, CMP, and Bone Health Consultation.  This will give the information you need to begin.

Many persons can Take Control Naturally by getting enough Calcium in diet and supplements, Vitamin D3 in supplements, enough protein, and proper exercise.  Some individuals require medications as well.

Most of the over 2 million Fragility Fractures annually in the US could have been avoided.  Avoid unnecessary pain and suffering by optimizing your Bone Health now.

May you have a Happy, Healthy, and Fracture Free New Year.

Jay Ginther, MD

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