Take Control Naturally – Vitamin D

You want to take control of your own bone health destiny to avoid osteoporosis.  You want to do it “naturally” without modern pharmaceuticals.  That takes dedication and persistence on your part....

Take Control Naturally – Calcium

You want to take control of your own bone health destiny to avoid osteoporosis.  You want to do it “naturally” without modern pharmaceuticals.  This is often possible.  It does take...

It’s All About Fracture Prevention

The National Osteoporosis Foundation reaffirmed it’s core purpose – Fracture Prevention – at its International Symposium last week.  It’s back to the basics. Fracture Prevention requires proper diet and lifestyle. ...

HyperParaThyroidism Part 3

Secondary Hyperparathyroidism is quite common.  I see a new case nearly every week.  Secondary Hyperparathyroidism happens when the parathyroid glands are doing their job. If you do not have enough...

HyperParaThyroidism Part 2

Primary Hyperparathyroidism is much less common but much easier to explain.  We will deal with that first. Primary Hyperparathyroidism is usually due to an enlargement of one of the 4...

HyperParaThyroidism Part 1

Hyperparathyroidism is found in a surprising number of patients by testing for PTH level.  Primary Hyperparathyroidism remains rare.  We have found 3 cases in 4 years.  However, we are finding...

Osteoporosis Screening by Heel Ultrasound

Today we are offering free Osteoporosis Screening at a Health Fair.  We are using Heel Ultrasound.  This is good, but not as accurate a test as hip and spine DXA...

ISCD 2 It’s All About Fractures and Kyphosis

I was an orthopedic surgeon for 30 years before I started to treat osteoporosis.  I started because most physicians in my area only treated DXA t-scores.  I wanted to treat...


I have been a Certified Clinical Densitometrist for 4 years.  Before that I read spine and hip x-rays for 30+ years as an orthopedic surgeon.  Now I know that I...

Wellness Fair

This week we participated in an all-day Wellness Conference and Health Fair.  Many different types of practitioners were involved.  Those individuals who attended were interested in taking a pro-active role...