Tasty Calcium Supplements

Calcium Supplements can be chewable chocolate and other flavors.  You need to try these to see which brand tastes good to you.  Some taste like a calcium tablet with some flavoring.  Others...

Shaddows Teach Too

Last week I had 2 “shaddows” for 2 days each.  They had lots of questions.  Once again I had an opportunity to learn from those I am teaching. 


Fosamax (Alendronate) was the first widely used pill for Osteoporosis in this country.  It is taken weekly on an empty stomach followed by at least 8 ounces of water.  No...

Vitamin D Supplements

Unless you eat a lot of salmon, or put yourself at high risk for skin cancer, you will need Vitamin D Supplements.  Most Multiple Vitamins have 400 IU of vitamin...

Foods high in Vitamin D

Traditional foods high in Vitamin D include oily fish, seal blubber and cod liver oil.  None of these are common in the American diet today.  It is becoming much harder...

What might be Too Thin? and Why?

Speaking to groups about Osteoporosis is always interesting.  Different persons have different questions.   This week I spoke to a PEO chapter (a women-only “sorority”).  One of the members was very...

Vertebral Compression Fractures

Vertebral Compression Fractures represent an area of changing understanding of Osteoporosis.  As an orthopaedic surgeon, I understand that a fracture is a fracture whether it occurs all at once or...

Test for Vitamin D Level

The only way to be certain that you do not have a Vitamin D deficiency is to test for 25-hydroxy Vitamin D level.  This is a blood test.  The test...

Vitamin D Deficiency

You need Vitamin D in order to absorb Calcium from your diet.  Without enough vitamin D your body will steal Calcium from your bones, not add Calcium to your bones. ...

Daily Vitamin D Needs

Older children, teenagers, and adults need much more than the 400 IU of  Vitamin D that is “100%” listed on a multiple vitamin bottle.  Panel members at the 2010 National...