Test for Vitamin D Level

The only way to be certain that you do not have a Vitamin D deficiency is to test for 25-hydroxy Vitamin D level.  This is a blood test.  The test...

Vitamin D Deficiency

You need Vitamin D in order to absorb Calcium from your diet.  Without enough vitamin D your body will steal Calcium from your bones, not add Calcium to your bones. ...

Daily Vitamin D Needs

Older children, teenagers, and adults need much more than the 400 IU of  Vitamin D that is “100%” listed on a multiple vitamin bottle.  Panel members at the 2010 National...

Calcium Citrate

If you do not get enough Calcium in your diet, you need a Calcium Supplement.  Calcium Carbonate can cause problems.  Calcium Citrate is easier for most individuals to tolerate.  It...

Calcium Carbonate

Perhaps you do not get enough Calcium in your diet.  Calcium Carbonate is the most common Calcium Supplement.  It is the cheapest. It may upset your stomach, give you a...

Calcium Supplements

Your Total daily intake of Calcium should be 1200 to 1500 mg.  That is 4 to 5 – 8 oz glasses of milk every day.  Or you can have other...

Optimal Levels for Vitamin D

In 2010 the “Optimal” level most often quoted at National Osteoporosis Foundation and at American Society for Bone Mineral Research was 32 to 100ng/ml.  This is markedly different from the...

Calcium in your Diet

The National Osteoporosis Foundation has set the standard total for Calcium at 1200 to 1500 mg daily. That is 4 to 5 – 8 oz glasses of milk every day. ...

The Sunshine Myth

Vitamin D has been called the Sunshine Vitamin.  Most people can make some vitamin D if they get enough mid-day sunshine, but there are problems.  The atmosphere blocks the UV...

Calcium: Key to Bone Health

Calcium is a Key Ingredient for Bone Health.  If you do not have Calcium in your diet, or take Calcium supplements, you CANNOT have strong bones.  Calcium is the mineral...