Increasing numbers of patients are reluctant to consider pharmaceuticals for their Osteoporosis and Fracture Risk. You may agree with that. If you do you MUST be prepared to Take Control...
Does this mean that you have to eat bones to have strong bones? Well, sort of. While it is fun to envision people chewing on Flintstone-sized bones, the Flintstone characters...
Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow today. Six more weeks of winter. But NINE more weeks before we can get ANY Vitamin D from the sun in Iowa. Here the sun is...
Tertiary HyperParaThyroidism is becoming common among older individuals. Or maybe we are just beginning to notice what it really is. The blood tests are the same as Primary HyperParaThyroidism – high...
Mark Twain and others have said: “There are Lies, there are Damn Lies, and then there are Statistics”. That is the danger when we use Statistics (Meta-Analyses) as a basis...
Again we have a patient whose Spine BMD has dropped despite good osteoporosis medication. She takes 500 mg Calcium at breakfast and at supper. She remembers that you can only absorb...
Several years ago researchers discovered that women with breast cancer had much lower blood levels of Vitamin D than women without breast cancer. Another study showed that, among women being...
A patient recently insisted on Vitamin D2 instead of D3. She told me that she always uses plant sources because they are “more natural”. Indeed Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) is more...
We have “known” for years that 25-hydroxy Vitamin D levels over 50ng/ml are “too high” (hypervitaminosis D) and often cause high Calcium levels (hypercalcemia). The Mayo Clinic designed a...
The question whether calcium supplements are good or bad for you, and how much you should take, is very controversial. That is because it is the wrong question. The answer is...