How can we make Bone Health patient education more effective? An entire office visit only about bone health / osteoporosis prevention and treatment, is an effective start. This I have done...
Today I taught the Nurse Practitioner class at Allen College. Their Bone Health – Osteoporosis section included 3 hours of classroom lecture and discussion. We also spent an hour teaching...
People who are lactose intolerant develope digestive problems when they eat dairy products. Live culture yogurts or other “probiotics” may help in mild cases. Persons with more serious intolerance should avoid dairy...
Studies of combinations of osteoporosis medications expanded at the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) 2012. Previous meetings featured alternating the anabolic, Teriparatide (Forteo) with a Bisphosphonate Antiresorptive, usually...
Dr David Dempster presented spectacular pictures to the 2012 meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR). They show clearly the different actions of the anabolic, Teriparatide...
I am attending the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2012 annual meeting. This is actually a major international meeting with about half of the presentations from Asia and...
I was recently in Prague, Berlin, and other points along the Elbe. Walking throughout the old cities of Europe is a way of life. Many have pedestrian districts where cars...
A fragility fracture is a fracture which happens from minor trauma. A stress fracture happens from repeated normal daily activities, like walking or going up or down stairs. This is...
The FDA has approved Prolia for men with osteoporosis, who are “at high risk for fracture”. This affects a sizeable number of men. High fracture risk includes men with crumbling...
I recently saw a patient who has not improved her Bone Mineral Density despite 2 years of Forteo followed by 3 years of Reclast. The good news is that she stopped...