
April 21, 2012 Leave your thoughts

Can you still Prevent Osteoporosis?  Or do you have to Treat it?  Do you need medications?  Or can you Take Control Naturally?

Your age and past actions are huge factors.  The earlier you Know Where You Stand, the better.  Click on the “Categories” in the left column to explore the answers.

My Aunt Henrietta is far beyond prevention.  In her late 80″s, she is deep into treatment with medications.  Successful treatment!  Her story is at the top of the “Categories” list.

My daughter in her early 30’s is flirting with low BMD.  She can Take Control Naturally if she is faithful with her Calcium and Vitamin D supplements.  She remembers to give our grandson his Vitamin D supplement, lots of milk and no soda pop.

My generation in 50’s and 60’s needs to be really faithful with Calcium in Foods, Calcium Citrate, Vitamin D, and Multiple Vitamins & Minerals.  See each of these videos in the right column.  Some in my generation have waited too long and need to add medications.  “Osteoclasts Gone Wild” describes the types and actions.

Start now and do what you have to do.  Remember:  If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?

Jay Ginther, MD

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