Start with a Complete Bone Health Evaluation

You just tripped and suffered a minor fracture?  You just started menopause or male low “T”?  You are now on Medicare?  Are you concerned about your bone health?  If not,...

NOF Tip for 12 May – Safe Movement Brochure

Knowing how to move safely avoids unnecessary risks for falls and fractures.  That can improve your life.  Avoid unnecessary risks. NOF publication details proper bending, lifting, etc. This brochure...

NOF Tip for 10 May – Osteoporosis Medications

Diet and exercise are not always enough to prevent fractures.  Medications are needed if you are fracturing or BMD is falling despite your best efforts. We have many posts about when...

NOF Tip for 7 May – Calcium Rich Foods

BMD (Bone Mineral Density) = Calcium in Bone.  If you want strong bone you must get enough calcium.  Calcium in food is best.  Take control naturally with calcium in foods....

Bone Mineral Density is Calcium in Bone

Why do some patients, who are already on good osteoporosis preventing or treating medications, still have a falling Bone Mineral Density?  Are the medications not working?  Not as well as...

Improve Bone First – Preserve Bone Second

National Bone Health treatment goals are changing for those patients with high fracture risk.  Simply preserving bones already at a too high fracture risk never made much sense to this...

Treat to Target #6 – Treatment

Our goal is NO NEW FRACTURES.  Therefore, Treat to Target means a FRAX score of <20% for “major osteoporotic” and <3% for hip fracture.  Alternately, T-score of better than -1.5 if...

Treat to Target #5 – VFA

Treat to Target of NO NEW FRACTURES.  How do we find that target?  DXA >-2.5 is a start.  Fragility fractures increase new fracture risk.  FRAX adds many more risk factors to the...

Treat to Target #4 – TBS

Our goal is NO NEW FRACTURES.  Cancellous (spongy, like the ends of the drumstick) bone should be a strong latticework of struts called trabeculi.  Clinical Osteoporosis, an increased fracture risk,...

Treat to Target #3 – FRAX

Our Target is NO NEW FRACTURES.  The original goal by DXA was a  T-score of -2.4 or better.  But age is a huge factor in actual fracture risk.  The fracture risk...