May is National Osteoporosis Awareness Month

May 1, 2012 Leave your thoughts

Half of all women over 50 will fracture a wrist, shoulder, vertebra, hip, or some other bone in their remaining lifetime.  Increasing Fracture Risk is totally natural as a person ages.  But there are actions we all can take to minimize our increased Fracture Risk.  Most of these actions have nothing to do with taking another medication.

Awareness that simple actions can decrease Fracture Risk was the big theme at the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) annual meeting this past week.  We can cut that risk a lot.  Awareness that many fractures can be prevented is the first step.

I will be writing about the various actions discussed at NOF.  Researchers presented updated exercises for maximal benefit with minimal harm.  Again we learned that peak bone strength depends on nutrition and exercise during childhood, adolescence and young adulthood.  Peak bone strength determines fracture risk later in life.  These tips will be added to the Take Control Naturally series.

Matching the right medication (when necessary) to the right person requires knowledge of exactly how each medication works.  Maximizing benefits is imporant here also.

Be aware that you are at risk for fracture.  Be aware that you can reduce that risk.  Decide to reduce that risk and live better.

Jay Ginther, MD

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