Start with a Complete Bone Health Evaluation

You just tripped and suffered a minor fracture?  You just started menopause or male low “T”?  You are now on Medicare?  Are you concerned about your bone health?  If not,...

Care About Dad on Father’s Day

Fathers Day is a time to remember your Dad.  Those young enough and fortunate enough to have a living Dad today should take time to connect and honor him, even...

NOF Tip for 16 May – Fracture Prevention for Daily Activities

Proper body mechanics for bending and lifting will prevent unnecessary fractures. NOF has visual aids in learning good body mechanics at If you need help learning proper bending and...

NOF Tip for 12 May – Safe Movement Brochure

Knowing how to move safely avoids unnecessary risks for falls and fractures.  That can improve your life.  Avoid unnecessary risks. NOF publication details proper bending, lifting, etc. This brochure...

NOF Tip for 10 May – Osteoporosis Medications

Diet and exercise are not always enough to prevent fractures.  Medications are needed if you are fracturing or BMD is falling despite your best efforts. We have many posts about when...

NOF Tip for 2 May – Balance

Many fractures involve a fall.  So don’t fall.  But that is easier said than done. Practicing balance exercises strengthens your muscles, improves your reflexes, improves your balance, strengthens your bones,...

May is National Osteoporosis Month

You can get a new tip about how to improve your bone health every day in May.      Visit to access the 31 Ways to Stay Bone Strong....

Treat to Target #1 – Which Target?

Treat to Target has been standard for chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes for decades.  These are chronic diseases, more common as we get older, that we can control...