Wisconsin “Bare Bones” 2015

June 7, 2015 Leave your thoughts

Friday, the University of Wisconsin “The Bare Bones of Osteoporosis Care” Symposium had a lot of practical information.  This included:

John Belizekian, MD summarized the latest research on  HyperParathyroidism.  While most of what we see is Secondary HyperParathyroidism, long term Secondary can morph into traditional Tertiary, or into a newly defined type of Primary HyperParathyroidism.

Joseph Shaker, MD explored new insights into Secondary Osteoporosis.  These are separate medical conditions which cause osteoporosis and must be addressed if we are to succeed in treating the resulting osteoporosis.

Fergus McKiernan discussed the success of Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty – if you choose patients with the right Vertebral Fracture problems to operate on.

Niel Binkley, MD explored Medication Risks in comparison to the Fracture Risks for women and men when NOT taking medications.

Dr Belizekian discussed new therapies which avoid the problems of current medications.  Odanocatib, Abaloparatide, and Rososumab are all in FDA phase 3 trials and could be available within 5 years.  FRAX can now incorporate TBS (Trabecular Bone Score).

I will cover these topics, along with those discussed at NOF, over the next few weeks.

Jay Ginther, MD

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