Wisconsin “Bare Bones” 2015

Friday, the University of Wisconsin “The Bare Bones of Osteoporosis Care” Symposium had a lot of practical information.  This included: John Belizekian, MD summarized the latest research on  HyperParathyroidism.  While most...

Primary HyperParaThyroidism

Primary HyperParaThyroidism is the result of one of the 4 Parathyroid glands going completely out of control.  It grows in size and puts out increasing amounts of Parathyroid hormone.  This...

Tertiary HyperParaThyroidism – Reset Thermostat

Tertiary HyperParaThyroidism is becoming common among older individuals.  Or maybe we are just beginning to notice what it really is.  The blood tests are the same as Primary HyperParaThyroidism – high...

HyperParaThyroidism Steals Calcium From Bone

High ParaThyroid Hormone (PTH) levels take Calcium out of your Bones.  This is good as an occasional event to cover short periods of low calcium intake.   Bones store calcium for...

Just DXA is Not Enough

DXA identifies only 15% of persons with increased Fracture Risk.  Are you in the other 85%?  To find out, you should get a Complete Bone Health Evaluation.  And that is……....

Fracture Risk!!!!!!!! Not DXA Alone

This week a patient was delighted to know she had no bone worries – based on her t-score of -2.4 in her hips.  Unfortunately she was very wrong!  “Osteopenia” is just...

PTH is ParaThyroid Hormone

PTH is ParaThyroid Hormone.  This is not Thyroid.  The Parathyroid glands live next to the thyroid gland.  They are like 4 spots on the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland’s wings.  But their...

Stress Fracture = Osteoporosis

A fragility fracture is a fracture which happens from minor trauma.  A stress fracture happens from repeated normal daily activities, like walking or going up or down stairs.  This is...