I Don’t Need to Treat My Osteoporosis — Not Until I Have Symptoms

September 4, 2015 Leave your thoughts

This week I had a patient who has decided that she does not need to treat her Osteoporosis because she does not yet have symptoms.  This could be a problem for her.  The first symptom of Osteoporosis usually is a Fracture.  Ouch!

Actually she has had symptoms.  She has 5 Vertebral Compression Fracture Deformities in her thoracic spine.  As is usually the case, she had aching, but not sharp pains, from these “crumble-type” fractures.  Therefore she doesn’t really believe that they are “real” fractures.

Vertebral Fractures generally occur about a decade before Hip Fractures.  They are the early warning that much more obvious, and much more inconvenient, fractures may be coming.  You ignore that warning at your peril.

Clinical Osteoporosis is a Silent Disease until the first major Fracture (Bone Attack).  Heart disease may be silent until the first Heart Attack.  High Blood Pressure may be silent until the first stroke (Brain Attack).  Each of these can change your whole life.

Osteoporosis with Fracture is far easier to prevent than to treat – for the patient as well as the doc.  Why wait for a fracture?  Why not start treatment before ruining your life for a few weeks – or forever.

Take Control of Your Life.

Jay Ginther, MD

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