NOF 2014 – Prevent Second Fractures

The Second Fracture can be prevented.  How?  Realize that your first fracture is a “Bone Attack” – a warning to start working on your Bone Health. The National Osteoporosis Foundation...

Not an Accident – It was a Bone Attack

If you have a Heart Attack or a Stroke (Brain Attack), you don’t say it was an accident.  You check out your heart or blood pressure to see what is...

Low Salt is a Double Win

Most people know that a diet high in Sodium puts them at increased risk for high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke (brain attack).  Very few people realize that a diet...

Once is Enough

Fracturing once is enough.  No one wants to fracture a second time.  Yet, if you fracture once, you have proven that you probably have inadequate bone health, and you are...

2 Fractures for Each Heart Attack

Friday is the Go Red For Women in Waterloo, sponsored by the American Heart Association.  Heart Disease is now recognized as a major health issue for women, as well as...

A “Bone Attack” is a Warning!

Americans suffer 2 million low trauma “fragility” fractures a year.  “Bone Attack” is much more common than heart attack.  “Bone Attack is a warning, in the same way that heart...

“Bone Attack”!

You know what a “Heart Attack” is.  It can kill or disable you.  It is a warning to take your heart health seriously. Recently I heard the term “Bone Attack”....