Sometimes We Need Medications

Patients who have already fractured may need osteoporosis medications.  Adding fractures to a low BMD or T-score on DXA makes the Clinical Osteoporosis more severe and increases Fracture Risk.  This...

Identify Fracture Risk – Prevent Fractures

Tomorrow I am at the 2014 National Osteoporosis Foundation meeting.  Actually the name “National Prevent Fractures Organization” would better explain our goals.  We don’t care about Osteoporosis as much as...

You Need The Rest Of The Story

Last week a patient lamented that according to TV and Radio, “just about everything is bad for me”.  So we discussed that reporters are paid to get people to watch...

Don’t Be a Humpback – Prevent Humpback

Last time we discussed the disabilities caused by “humpback” kyphosis. A major factor in “humpback” is weak back muscles.  Upright posture decreases the strain of gravity pulling you forward.  Strong...

Don’t Become A Humpback

Many women and men develop a “humpback” as they age – often starting in their 30’s, 40’s, or 50’s.  “Humpback” or Kyphosis tends to run in families.  There is a genetic...

Take Control Naturally – Be A Stork

You can Prevent Fractures by being a stork for 5 minutes every day.  How? you ask.  Take Control Naturally with an exercise that improves balance and strength in your ankle...

It’s the Fractures, Stup..

Dr Neil Binkley took this line from politics in his address to the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) joint meeting yesterday.  Dr Binkley is known...

Control What You Can

Increasing numbers of patients are reluctant to consider pharmaceuticals for their Osteoporosis and Fracture Risk.  You may agree with that.  If you do you MUST be prepared to Take Control...

So, There Is Nothing You Can Do For Me

Recently a patient finished her half hour visit by saying, “so there is nothing you can do for me”.  We had discussed Low Bone Mineral Density (BMD) on her DXA;...

October 20th is World Osteoporosis Day

World Osteoporosis Day recognizes the ravages of osteoporosis on women internationally.  Worldwide the risk of Hip Fracture is equal to the risk of Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, and Uterine Cancer...