Frequent Fallers Benefit from Vit D3

Falls cause Fractures.  Preventing falls, or decreasing the number of falls, decreases fractures.  How can you do that?  Twice daily physical therapy exercises help improve muscle strength, balance and endurance....

I Can’t Have Osteoporosis – I Feel Fine

This week a patient told me “I can’t have Osteoporosis, because I feel fine!”  Osteoporosis is often silent. Osteoporosis can sneak up on you.  You do not feel a thing...

Fracture Prevention – Not Bone Mineral Density

The goal of Bone Health Evaluation and Treatment is Fracture Prevention!  DXA and Bone Mineral Density (BMD) are useful tools for evaluation.  But DXA and BMD are only one out of...

Toxic and Addictive – Sugar

Obesity is becoming a BIG issue in the US and around the world.  Countries which struggled to find enough food only decades ago now have growing numbers of overweight and...

What is Clinical Osteoporosis?

Increased Fracture Risk is Clinical Osteoporosis.  Clinical Osteoporosis is a diagnosis.  It is a chronic medical condition that you have for the rest of your life, like high blood pressure....

Exercises Can Prevent and Treat Osteoporosis

Many patients ask what exercizes will prevent the humpback deformity (kyphosis) of osteoporosis.  There is one exercize which will not only help prevent humpback, but partially correct it as well....

A Happy and Healthy New Year

Happy New Year.  This is the first day of the rest of your life.                           If you could...

Pictures Tell How Osteoporosis Medications Work

Dr David Dempster presented spectacular pictures to the 2012 meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).  They show clearly the different actions of the anabolic, Teriparatide...

Pedestrian in Prague

I was recently in Prague, Berlin, and other points along the Elbe.  Walking throughout the old cities of Europe is a way of life.  Many have pedestrian districts where cars...