CBC is Complete Blood Count

CBC is Complete Blood Count.  That means red cells, white cells, and platelets.  A normal CBC eliminates diseases of the bone marrow such as leukemia or myeloma, both of which...

Men Too

“Men are from Mars”, so March is a good time to think about men, the overlooked minority in osteoporosis.  The American Journal of Men’s Health has published a study of...

What is Clinical Osteoporosis?

Increased Fracture Risk is Clinical Osteoporosis.  Clinical Osteoporosis is a diagnosis.  It is a chronic medical condition that you have for the rest of your life, like high blood pressure....

A Happy and Healthy New Year

Happy New Year.  This is the first day of the rest of your life.                           If you could...

Bone Not “Good Enough” = Anabolic Forteo

Bone that has Fractured = Bone NOT Good Enough = Bone which requires the Anabolic, Forteo.  Any fracture, especially vertebral compression fracture, can mean that the bone is NOT Good...

Bone “Good Enough” for an Antiresorptive?

How do you know when an Antiresorptive medication is best?  First, the situation needs to be beyond the capability to Take Control Naturally with Calcium Citrate and Vitamin D3 alone....

Fracture? Bone Health Evaluation!

I have been on the road with presentations in South Dakota and Southern Illinois recently.  SD is state # 10 for me.  I teach health care providers about the role...

Recommended Vitamin D Levels at ASBMR 2012

25-hydroxy Vitamin D level recommendations for patients were plentiful at the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) 2012 meeting.  Many opinions.  Little agreement.  Research presented was usually observational....

Stress Fracture = Osteoporosis

A fragility fracture is a fracture which happens from minor trauma.  A stress fracture happens from repeated normal daily activities, like walking or going up or down stairs.  This is...

Bone Mineral Density = Calcium in Bone

I recently saw a patient who has not improved her Bone Mineral Density despite 2 years of Forteo followed by 3 years of Reclast.  The good news is that she stopped...