Increasing numbers of patients are reluctant to consider pharmaceuticals for their Osteoporosis and Fracture Risk. You may agree with that. If you do you MUST be prepared to Take Control...
Several patients in the last month have decided not to take the “unnatural” risk of taking medication for their Postmenopausal Osteoporosis. They have been scared by the media emphasis on...
Friday is the Go Red For Women in Waterloo, sponsored by the American Heart Association. Heart Disease is now recognized as a major health issue for women, as well as...
World Osteoporosis Day recognizes the ravages of osteoporosis on women internationally. Worldwide the risk of Hip Fracture is equal to the risk of Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, and Uterine Cancer...
This week a patient was delighted to know she had no bone worries – based on her t-score of -2.4 in her hips. Unfortunately she was very wrong! “Osteopenia” is just...
PTH is ParaThyroid Hormone. This is not Thyroid. The Parathyroid glands live next to the thyroid gland. They are like 4 spots on the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland’s wings. But their...
A patient was very disappointed recently, that his Bone Mineral Density (BMD) had NOT IMPROVED, despite anabolic medication for his Osteoporosis. The reason for failure became obvious as soon as...
Fracture Risk is much more than Bone Mineral Density (BMD) or t-score. Many medical conditions cause osteoporosis and fractures. Blood tests can detect those medical problems. This is the post on...
Fracture Risk is much more than Bone Mineral Density (BMD) or t-score. Many medical conditions cause bone loss, osteoporosis and fractures. Blood tests can detect medical problems.
Estrogen alone as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is safe. Estrogen actually saves lives compared to no estrogen replacement after hysterectomy in women between 50 and 59. 13 women’s lives were...