NOF Tip for 2 May – Balance

Many fractures involve a fall.  So don’t fall.  But that is easier said than done. Practicing balance exercises strengthens your muscles, improves your reflexes, improves your balance, strengthens your bones,...


Sarcopenia (sar-co-pee-nee-uh) is decreased muscle mass and strength. Sarcopenia plays a major role in falls and fractures.  Sarcopenia weakens bones. Sarcopenia, a relatively new concept, was discussed at the National...

Pedestrian in Prague

I was recently in Prague, Berlin, and other points along the Elbe.  Walking throughout the old cities of Europe is a way of life.  Many have pedestrian districts where cars...

Exercises to Avoid “Humpback” Kyphosis

National Osteoporosis Foundation meeting last week emphasized exercises that help avoid, or even correct, kyphosis or “humpback”.  This is important because kyphosis leads to poor balance, falls and fractures. Weak Muscles...

Wee! Take Contol Naturally with Wii Fit

Exercise is necessary for good Bone Health.  Muscle strength and balance not only prevent falls, but they also strengthen bones. Zumba, Yoga, Pilates, Tai-chi, walking and light weights are all...

Take Control Naturally – Do the “Stork”!

You want to avoid fractures from osteoporosis naturally, without medications.  That requires dedication and daily effort. One aspect of Fracture Prevention not only can be done without medication, it cannot...