PTH is ParaThyroid Hormone

PTH is ParaThyroid Hormone.  This is not Thyroid.  The Parathyroid glands live next to the thyroid gland.  They are like 4 spots on the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland’s wings.  But their...

BMD Measures Calcium in Bone

A patient was very disappointed recently, that his Bone Mineral Density (BMD) had NOT IMPROVED, despite anabolic medication for his Osteoporosis.  The reason for failure became obvious as soon as...

Gluten Free

Some of my patients have an icky tummy.  They are thin, anemic, and have osteoporosis.  They have been evaluated for Lactose Intolerance, Crohn’s, Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and Celiac...

Take Control Naturally with Dietary Protein

What do bones, muscles, strength, and balance all have in common?  Protein!  Where can you get protein?  In your diet. I recently saw a patient who has severe osteoporosis with...

Frequent Fallers Benefit from Vit D3

Falls cause Fractures.  Preventing falls, or decreasing the number of falls, decreases fractures.  How can you do that?  Twice daily physical therapy exercises help improve muscle strength, balance and endurance....

Start with Dietary Calcium

Once again we are warned of the dangers of calcium supplements.  Once again those studies cited prescribed supplements without regard to total calcium intake, including diet.  What matters is total...

Toxic and Addictive – Sugar

Obesity is becoming a BIG issue in the US and around the world.  Countries which struggled to find enough food only decades ago now have growing numbers of overweight and...

Chronic Pain

This week I spoke to doctors and nurses who run Pain Clinics.  The obvious connection is Vertebral Fractures requiring Kyphoplasty or Vertebroplasty.  If you only do the procedure, you have...

Bones Are Protein

Bones are primarily made of protein.  Sure, we think of them as mostly calcium, but calcium is only a small portion of the total construct.  Most of Bone Matrix, the...

Vitamin D & MS in Sweden

Recently, I cited a study from the UK, which showed a probable link between mothers with low Vitamin D levels during pregnancy and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) years later in their children. ...