Happy Mother’s Day

May 8, 2015 Leave your thoughts

What can you do for your mother?  Mother’s Day is when you thank your mother for all that she did for you.  Seriously?  That is too much to accomplish in just one day with flowers and a meal.  Perhaps you can do something that could improve the rest of her life!

Your mother is getting older every year.  We all do that.  Perhaps she is shrinking or developing a humped back (kyphosis).  We can prevent that!  Perhaps she has fallen and broken a bone.  We can often prevent that too!

Over the last 20 years the world has changed.  We now know how to prevent bones from deteriorating.  We can improve bone health and prevent fractures.  The sooner we start, the better we can preserve your mother’s independent lifestyle.  Your independence too, if you are her caregiver.

Without attention to their bone health, half of all women over age 50 suffer at least one fracture.  We can prevent nearly 2/3 of those fractures.  A Complete Bone Health Evaluation tells us in what areas you have opportunities for improvement.

We start with enough Calcium in foods and supplements, enough Vitamin D3 supplements, enough Protein, Multiple Vitamins & Minerals and balance exercises.  Sometimes medications.

Your mother sacrificed her bone health for you before and after your birth.  She gave you a lot.  Give back to her.  And if you must give chocolates, try Adora Chocolates with a whole meal’s Calcium in each.

Check out your mother’s bone health.  Yours too.  Then take Control of both your futures.

Jay Ginther, MD

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