Keep Your Dad Fracture Free For Fathers’ Day

June 19, 2015 Leave your thoughts

Do better than another shirt or tie for Fathers’ Day.  Make sure your Dad stays Fracture Free!  What?  Men don’t have Osteoporosis or Fractures.  But they do!

25% of all Osteoporosis patients are Men.  Each year 80,000 men have hip fractures.  Over 30% of those men die of complications of their hip fractures.

1/4 of all Men over 50 will Break a Bone due to Poor Bone Health (Osteoporosis).  More Men over 50 will Break a Bone than will have Prostate Cancer.

Many diseases and some medications increase fracture risk.  So do many modern lifestyle errors.  The good news is that simple measures can Decrease Fracture Risk.

Enough Absorbable Calcium spread out through the day.  Enough Vitamin D3 to achieve a 25-hydroxy Vitamin D level of at least 40.  1 gram of Protein for every kilogram of body weight daily.  Multiple Vitamins & Minerals.  Balance and Weight-bearing exercises daily.

Go to the National Osteoporosis Foundation website ( or click the link at your right.  Read The Man’s Guide to Osteoporosis.

Get a Complete Bone Health Evaluation.  Fix potential problems.

Take Control.  You can Avoid Fractures.

Jay Ginther, MD

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