How do you know when an Antiresorptive medication is best? First, the situation needs to be beyond the capability to Take Control Naturally with Calcium Citrate and Vitamin D3 alone....
I have been on the road with presentations in South Dakota and Southern Illinois recently. SD is state # 10 for me. I teach health care providers about the role...
I recently saw a patient who has not improved her Bone Mineral Density despite 2 years of Forteo followed by 3 years of Reclast. The good news is that she stopped...
WRONG!!!! 85% of women who suffer Fragility Fractures have “Osteopenia”. Close to 90% of men. How can this be? “Osteopenia” is NOT a Diagnosis. Unfortunately, most people do not...
Last week NEJM published a study that looked at actual total Vitamin D intake by individuals (65 and older) in the study. No previous study had divided individuals by their...
TV Newsies have reported a story about some Europeans having problems when given Vitamin D supplements. But they did not report that these patients received 500,000 units of Vitamin D...
Americans suffer 2 million low trauma “fragility” fractures a year. “Bone Attack” is much more common than heart attack. “Bone Attack is a warning, in the same way that heart...
National Osteoporosis Foundation meeting last week emphasized exercises that help avoid, or even correct, kyphosis or “humpback”. This is important because kyphosis leads to poor balance, falls and fractures. Weak Muscles...
Osteoporotic Fractures disable, disfigure, and kill more women each year than breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke combined. Half of all women over age 50 will suffer an Osteoporotic (Fragility)...
Osteoporosis is scary. Few persons are aware of their diagnosis until after a major fracture, such as a hip fracture. Osteoporosis is defined as an Increased Fracture Risk. You can...