Crohn’s, Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Getting enough Calcium, Vitamin D, and other nutrients is tough enough when you have normal bowels.  Crohn’s, Colitis, IBS, Celiac, Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss, and other bowel problems make...

Breast Cancer & Osteoporosis

Breast Cancer is bad enough without further worries.  Unfortunately, the newest and best anti-cancer treatments can result in a rapid advance of Osteoporosis and Fragility Fractures.  Fortunately, acting to prevent...

FRAX = Fracture Risk Assessment Tool

Fracture Risk!  You need to know Your Personal Fracture Risk. That is a lot more complicated than just your BMD or t-score.  FRAX is a huge step forward in calculating...

Relative Risks

Risks.  They are all around us.  But how often do bad things actually happen?  That is important to know so that you can try to avoid the likely bad things. Tomorrow...

“Bone Attack”!

You know what a “Heart Attack” is.  It can kill or disable you.  It is a warning to take your heart health seriously. Recently I heard the term “Bone Attack”....

Take Control Naturally – Do the “Stork”!

You want to avoid fractures from osteoporosis naturally, without medications.  That requires dedication and daily effort. One aspect of Fracture Prevention not only can be done without medication, it cannot...

HyperParaThyroidism Part 2

Primary Hyperparathyroidism is much less common but much easier to explain.  We will deal with that first. Primary Hyperparathyroidism is usually due to an enlargement of one of the 4...

ISCD 3 Natural Degenerative Kyphosis of Age???

When I was in medical school over 40 years ago, we understood that old bones got soft and crumbled.  In the spine that crumbling often took years.  The vertebrae grew...

ISCD 2 It’s All About Fractures and Kyphosis

I was an orthopedic surgeon for 30 years before I started to treat osteoporosis.  I started because most physicians in my area only treated DXA t-scores.  I wanted to treat...

Oral Bisphosphonates – Part 2

If you already have heartburn or Reflux Disease (GERD), you should be cautious about taking Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, and generic Alendronate.  Do not take an antacid or a medicine for...