How can we Avoid Osteoporosis? That was the question at the “Blue Zones” meeting this week. The Blue Zones technique is to adopt healthy lifestyles leading to longer, healthier, happier...
My wife and I have just completed a week of “sitting” our 17 month old grandson, RJ. Very little sitting was involved except when he climbed on a lap to...
See and hear about Bone Health Basics on You Tube. I learn faster and better when I see and hear new information at the same time. Most other people do...
Traditional foods high in Vitamin D include oily fish, seal blubber and cod liver oil. None of these are common in the American diet today. It is becoming much harder...
Speaking to groups about Osteoporosis is always interesting. Different persons have different questions. This week I spoke to a PEO chapter (a women-only “sorority”). One of the members was very...
A little vitamin D is added to milk. Drinking 3 glasses of milk daily nearly meets the old standard of 400 IU daily, but 16 glasses of milk – a...
The National Osteoporosis Foundation has set the standard total for Calcium at 1200 to 1500 mg daily. That is 4 to 5 – 8 oz glasses of milk every day. ...
Calcium is a Key Ingredient for Bone Health. If you do not have Calcium in your diet, or take Calcium supplements, you CANNOT have strong bones. Calcium is the mineral...
Vitamin D is much more important than we thought even 3 years ago. We now know that our Daily Vitamin D Needs are much higher than official government Minimum Daily...