Bone Health Basics on You Tube!!

November 25, 2011 1 Comment

See and hear about Bone Health Basics on You Tube.

I learn faster and better when I see and hear new information at the same time.  Most other people do too.  Therefore, I have posted 4 PowerPoint presentations with voiceover.  They are about 2 minutes each.

Go to, then search for

Or you can click on the titles below:

Calcium in Foods

Calcium Supplements

Vitamin D

Multiple Vitamins & Minerals

Let me know what you think.

Jay Ginther, MD

November 2011

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  • Pat Albertson

    Doc, That was very good information. Glad that you have this Blog. Now I have some where to go if I have Question’s. That way I don’t have to Bug you.:)
    Thanks you.

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