Mothers give a lot to their children – even their bones! That is a hidden sacrifice, and a great gift. That is why it is important to maximize your Bone...
Dr Neil Binkley took this line from politics in his address to the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) joint meeting yesterday. Dr Binkley is known...
Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow today. Six more weeks of winter. But NINE more weeks before we can get ANY Vitamin D from the sun in Iowa. Here the sun is...
Mark Twain and others have said: “There are Lies, there are Damn Lies, and then there are Statistics”. That is the danger when we use Statistics (Meta-Analyses) as a basis...
Secondary HyperParaThyroidism is the result of the ParaThyroid glands doing their job. Their job is to keep the calcium in the blood “just right”. Too often this requires stealing calcium...
Several years ago researchers discovered that women with breast cancer had much lower blood levels of Vitamin D than women without breast cancer. Another study showed that, among women being...
A patient recently insisted on Vitamin D2 instead of D3. She told me that she always uses plant sources because they are “more natural”. Indeed Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) is more...
We have “known” for years that 25-hydroxy Vitamin D levels over 50ng/ml are “too high” (hypervitaminosis D) and often cause high Calcium levels (hypercalcemia). The Mayo Clinic designed a...
CMP is “Complete Metabolic Profile”. The tests in a CMP can be key to bone health. We’ll start with Serum Calcium (calcium in the blood). Bones store Calcium for...
Falls cause Fractures. Preventing falls, or decreasing the number of falls, decreases fractures. How can you do that? Twice daily physical therapy exercises help improve muscle strength, balance and endurance....