Natural Vitamin D

A patient last week wanted to only use “Natural Vitamin D.”  The “most natural” comes from exposing your skin to the sun at mid-day (1:13 pm CDT in Waterloo) in...

A “Bone Attack” is a Warning!

Americans suffer 2 million low trauma “fragility” fractures a year.  “Bone Attack” is much more common than heart attack.  “Bone Attack is a warning, in the same way that heart...


Can you still Prevent Osteoporosis?  Or do you have to Treat it?  Do you need medications?  Or can you Take Control Naturally? Your age and past actions are huge factors. ...

Support is Available

Osteoporosis is scary.  Few persons are aware of their diagnosis until after a major fracture, such as a hip fracture.  Osteoporosis is defined as an Increased Fracture Risk.  You can...

$ 52,000,000,000.00 in one Year!!

Fragility Fractures are fractures caused by osteoporosis.  Fragility Fractures cost an enormous amount of money.  They also cause pain, suffering, disability, nursing home stays, and death. The estimated total cost of...

Don’t Treat Osteoporosis – Avoid Osteoporosis

How can we Avoid Osteoporosis?  That was the question at the “Blue Zones” meeting this week. The Blue Zones technique is to adopt healthy lifestyles leading to longer, healthier, happier...

Get a Complete Bone Health Evaluation

“When should I get another DXA?”  That was the question from a 70+ year old at the PEO group I talked to recently.  That is the wrong question! Don’t get...

Give Vitamin D for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is Heart Day.  But did you know that Vitamin D is good for your heart?  I didn’t until my cardiologist gave me a “state of the art” paper from...

Grandson “Sitting”

My wife and I have just completed a week of “sitting” our 17 month old grandson, RJ.  Very little sitting was involved except when he climbed on a lap to...