Low Salt is a Double Win

Most people know that a diet high in Sodium puts them at increased risk for high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke (brain attack).  Very few people realize that a diet...

Don’t Be a Humpback – Prevent Humpback

Last time we discussed the disabilities caused by “humpback” kyphosis. A major factor in “humpback” is weak back muscles.  Upright posture decreases the strain of gravity pulling you forward.  Strong...

Don’t Become A Humpback

Many women and men develop a “humpback” as they age – often starting in their 30’s, 40’s, or 50’s.  “Humpback” or Kyphosis tends to run in families.  There is a genetic...

Take Control Naturally – Be A Stork

You can Prevent Fractures by being a stork for 5 minutes every day.  How? you ask.  Take Control Naturally with an exercise that improves balance and strength in your ankle...

Fracture Risk – More Important than DXA, BMD, & t-Score

The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) met last week.  Our society has been dedicated to properly evaluating DXA to determine Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and t-score.  Now ISCD is taking...

Control What You Can

Increasing numbers of patients are reluctant to consider pharmaceuticals for their Osteoporosis and Fracture Risk.  You may agree with that.  If you do you MUST be prepared to Take Control...

You Are What You Eat

Does this mean that you have to eat bones to have strong bones?  Well, sort of.  While it is fun to envision people chewing on Flintstone-sized bones, the Flintstone characters...

Tertiary HyperParaThyroidism – Reset Thermostat

Tertiary HyperParaThyroidism is becoming common among older individuals.  Or maybe we are just beginning to notice what it really is.  The blood tests are the same as Primary HyperParaThyroidism – high...

Enjoy A Nooner

Again we have a patient whose Spine BMD has dropped despite good osteoporosis medication.  She takes 500 mg Calcium at breakfast and at supper.  She remembers that you can only absorb...