More Women Than Breast Cancer, Heart Attack & Stroke Combined

April 24, 2012 Leave your thoughts

Osteoporotic Fractures disable, disfigure, and kill more women each year than breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke combined.  Half of all women over age 50 will suffer an Osteoporotic (Fragility) Fracture in their lifetime.  Some will die.  Some will be permanently deformed.  Some will require nursing home care for the rest of their lives.

Millions strive for The Cure for breast cancer.  Millions have joined Go Red For Women sponsored by the American Heart Association.  These are wonderful efforts.  But what about the millions of women harmed each year by Osteoporotic Fracture?  They suffer a “Bone Attack”.  When will we care enough about osteoporosis to launch a similar campaign?

The National Osteoporosis Foundation meets this week.  NOF has taken the lead in promoting Osteoporosis Prevention, Detection and Treatment.  We are making progress, but there is much more to do.  Assuring that our children get enough Calcium, Vitamin D and Exercise while growing can be a huge part of prevention.

Use our link to the NOF website.  Search the categories on the left column of this blogsite for specific information on many topics.  Get involved.  Take Contol NaturallyGet a complete bone health evaluation.

And don’t forget men!  One quarter of all men over 50 will suffer an Osteoporotic Fracture.  One third of those who die from their hip fracture are men.

So much suffering can be avoided if enough people care enough to become involved.

Jay Ginther, MD

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