When Do I Need to Start Treatment to Prevent Osteoporosis?

June 8, 2013 Leave your thoughts

A good question from a woman who had brought her mother in for treatment  of osteoporosis with complications.  I answered, “when you are as old as she is”, pointing to her teen-age daughter.  That shocked all three women!

Gradual deterioration of bone is a natural process that begins at about age 30.  Before age 30 your bones are building up – but only if you are getting enough calcium, Vitamin D3, Magnesium, protein and vigorous exercise, like running or aerobics.

Achieving a robust skeleton by age 30 may delay or prevent osteoporosis entirely.  This is a key reason that fewer men have osteoporosis until they are quite old.  The average man has a skeleton 30% stronger than the average woman at age 30.

The “treatment” of enough calcium, Vitamin D3, Magnesium, protein and vigorous exercise allows you to achieve your maximum potential bone strength and peak Bone Mineral Density (BMD) before, and to preserve it after, age 30.  The earlier you start, the better, but better late than never.

You can delay needing osteoporosis medications by many years, if you start early with enough calcium, Vitamin D3, Magnesium, protein and vigorous exercise.

Take Control Naturally.  Achieve and maintain healthy bones as early in life as possible.

Jay Ginther, MD

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