“But Protein Makes Me Fat”

July 10, 2015 Leave your thoughts

Protein is necessary for strong bone and muscle.  Two patients complained that they were gaining weight when they added enough Protein for good bone health to their diets.

That was their problem.  They ADDED Protein to a diet that already had enough Calories in Fats and Carbs.  The key is to add Protein without adding Calories.  This is harder than it sounds.  You may have to reduce other foods to avoid a gain in Calories.

Proteins and Carbs are about equal in Calories.  Fats are packed with twice as many Calories.  Getting enough Protein as a Vegetarian or Vegan is challenging, but feasible.

Remember that the ideal weight for bone health is a BMI between 22 and 33.  The ideal weight to AVOID Death From All Causes is a BMI between 25 and 30 if you are over 60 years of age. A BMI between 22 and 25 almost as good.

Many of our patients Take Control Naturally by getting enough absorbable Calcium in Foods, Vitamin D3, Protein in Foods, Multiple Vitamins & Minerals, and Exercises for Balance and Strength.  This way they can often avoid medications for several years.

Take Control Naturally with enough Protein in a balanced diet.

Jay Ginther, MD


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