Smoking Increases Fracture Risk

You know that Smoking can cause Lung Cancer, Asthma, Emphysema, and COPD. Smoking also increases the Risk of Fractures, the Risk of Fractures Not Healing, and the Risk of Osteoporosis. ...

Resolve to Take Control Naturally

New Year’s Resolutions.  The routine ones are getting tired.  So what can I do that’s different?  What do I need? I am worried about the economy, jobs, Europe, Iran, gas...

Vertebroplasty or Kyphoplasty = Osteoporosis

If you have a Vertebroplasty or a Kyphoplasty, you have Osteoporosis! Both procedures are done for painful, fresh Vertebral Compression Fractures (crunches of the spine).  If your spine goes crunch...

Wee! Take Contol Naturally with Wii Fit

Exercise is necessary for good Bone Health.  Muscle strength and balance not only prevent falls, but they also strengthen bones. Zumba, Yoga, Pilates, Tai-chi, walking and light weights are all...

Bone Health Basics on You Tube!!

See and hear about Bone Health Basics on You Tube. I learn faster and better when I see and hear new information at the same time.  Most other people do...

Start Somewhere

Yesterday Iowa set a new world record for the most people simultaneously exercising.  291,000 Iowans walked for at least a kilometer over the noon hour on Friday.  The theme was...

Wellness Fair

This week we participated in an all-day Wellness Conference and Health Fair.  Many different types of practitioners were involved.  Those individuals who attended were interested in taking a pro-active role...