Enjoy A Nooner

Again we have a patient whose Spine BMD has dropped despite good osteoporosis medication.  She takes 500 mg Calcium at breakfast and at supper.  She remembers that you can only absorb...

CMP is Complete Metabolic Profile – Part 3

Fracture Risk is much more than Bone Mineral Density (BMD) or t-score.  Many medical conditions cause bone loss, osteoporosis and fractures.  Blood tests can detect medical problems.

Take Control Naturally with Dietary Protein

What do bones, muscles, strength, and balance all have in common?  Protein!  Where can you get protein?  In your diet. I recently saw a patient who has severe osteoporosis with...

A Mother’s Sacrifice

Mothers sacrifice many things for their children.  But did you know that they sacrifice their bones?  Children come first, even at the xpense of the mother’s bone health. Before childbirth,...

Start with Dietary Calcium

Once again we are warned of the dangers of calcium supplements.  Once again those studies cited prescribed supplements without regard to total calcium intake, including diet.  What matters is total...

Lactose Intolerant

People who are lactose intolerant develope digestive problems when they eat dairy products.  Live culture yogurts or other “probiotics” may help in mild cases.  Persons with more serious intolerance should avoid dairy...

Natural Vitamin D

A patient last week wanted to only use “Natural Vitamin D.”  The “most natural” comes from exposing your skin to the sun at mid-day (1:13 pm CDT in Waterloo) in...


Can you still Prevent Osteoporosis?  Or do you have to Treat it?  Do you need medications?  Or can you Take Control Naturally? Your age and past actions are huge factors. ...

Osteoporosis Support Group

Attendance was enthusiastic.  We watched Our Videos (top right) while waiting for all to arrive.  Discussion was spirited.