Grandsons and Black Bears

August 7, 2012 Leave your thoughts

Last week we were on vacation near Ely, MN on the edge of Boundary Waters Canoe Area with our 2 year old grandson.  His favorite day trip was to the Black Bear Center.  RJ and black bears use very different methods to maintain bone health.

Black bears can hibernate for months on end, being very inactive, while losing very little Calcium from their bones.  Their kidneys and intestines are adapted to preserving every bit of Calcium.  Their bones do not decrease bone mineral density in response to the decreased stress of constant sleeping.

Humans are different.  We must remain active, daily applying moderate stress to our bones by walking, mild lifting, etc, in order to keep our bones strong.  2 year old RJ does that very well.  He is a perpetual motion machine.  His settings are fast, faster, and nap-time.

Exercize alone will not keep your bones strong, but it is a necessary part of the full program.  Walking, yoga, tai chi, Wii Fit are all good additions to Calcium, Vitamin D3 and a good diet.

Take Control Naturally by making daily exercize part of your bone health program.  You do not need to run as fast as RJ, but you should not be a couch potato either.

Jay Ginther, MD

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