CMP is Complete Metabolic Profile – Part 3

July 27, 2013 Leave your thoughts

Fracture Risk is much more than Bone Mineral Density (BMD) or t-score.  Many medical conditions cause bone loss, osteoporosis and fractures.  Blood tests can detect medical problems.

Sodium, Potasium, and Chloride are elctrolytes.  When they are low, that usually means too much water intake, kidney disease, or excessive diuretics (possibly caffeine or alcohol).  “CO2”, or bicarbonate, tells us if the blood is acid or alkali or just right.

Creatinine tells us about kidney function.  A high creatinine indicates poor kidney function.  A normal creatinine might not mean normal kidney function in someone older or petite – GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) is calculated to be sure.  A low creatinine often means poor nutrition.

BUN (blood urea nitrogen) is another test of kidney function.  The most common reason for a high BUN in a healthy person is dehydration due to not eating or drinking before a fasting blood test.  You can and should drink plain water before fasting blood tests.  Drink nothing with caffeine or sugar, just plain water.

Phosphorous interacts with calcium.  Both are needed, but in balance.  Too much or too little phosphorous can be a problem.  A common cause of increased phosphate intake is cola – also called “soda” or “pop”.  These names come from the ingredient Sodium Phosphate.  Beware of too much phosphate from drinking “soda pop” without an equal amount of milk or other calcium containing food.

Testing detects issues that affect bone health.  If we find them, we can fix them.

Jay Ginther, MD

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