Are You Losing the Ability To Live Independently?

April 3, 2015 Leave your thoughts

Can you still do all the physical activities you want to do?  Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are the key to enjoying your life, especially as we grow older.  At ISCD last month we learned some tricks to maintain our ability to do everything we need to do for a full life.

As we age, we lose muscle mass (Sarcopenia).  Loss of muscle mass leads to even faster loss of muscle strength (Dynopenia).  Loss of muscle strength is a strong predictor of Fall Risk and Fracture Risk.  Bummer!

Get your butt off the couch!  You should be able to stand, then sit, then stand again for 5 cycles in 15 seconds.  If you cannot, you are in danger of losing your ability to live independently.  Loss of the knee extension strength needed to stand, even once, predicts mortality.  Huge bummer!

There is no medication for loss of strength.  We do have natural activities: Balance exercises (standing on one leg); Aerobic exercises (walking for distance, not speed); Progressive strength exercises (sit to stand to partial squat to stand….).  Enough extra Vitamin D3 to get your level above 40ng/ml helps your muscles.  And you MUST get enough Protein in your diet.

Take Control Naturally.  Exercises, Protein, Vitamin D3, Calcium, and Multiple Vitamins & Minerals.  Remain strong and independent.

Jay Ginther, MD


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