Fracture? Bone Health Evaluation!

I have been on the road with presentations in South Dakota and Southern Illinois recently.  SD is state # 10 for me.  I teach health care providers about the role...

Lactose Intolerant

People who are lactose intolerant develope digestive problems when they eat dairy products.  Live culture yogurts or other “probiotics” may help in mild cases.  Persons with more serious intolerance should avoid dairy...

Healthy Vegan is More than No Meat

A parent is worried about a teen-aged daughter who has decided that she is a Vegan.  She has decided that she will be more healthy if she avoids all animal...

“Salt Free” in a Salty World

Sodium intake of less than 2500 mg daily helps preserve your bone health, decrease fracture risk, and prevent osteoporosis.  It also helps prevent high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke....

Lower Your Salt – Save Your Bones

More Salt in your diet can result in more Calcium loss from your bones.  This also explains the association of Osteoporosis with Calcium containing Kidney Stones.  Calcium containing kidney stones...

Medication Alone is Not Enough

I see many patients who have failed to improve on osteoporosis medications.  The vast majority of those patients are not getting enough Calcium and Vitamin D to succeed. Osteoporosis medication...

Don’t Treat Osteoporosis – Avoid Osteoporosis

How can we Avoid Osteoporosis?  That was the question at the “Blue Zones” meeting this week. The Blue Zones technique is to adopt healthy lifestyles leading to longer, healthier, happier...

Grandson “Sitting”

My wife and I have just completed a week of “sitting” our 17 month old grandson, RJ.  Very little sitting was involved except when he climbed on a lap to...

Bone Health Basics on You Tube!!

See and hear about Bone Health Basics on You Tube. I learn faster and better when I see and hear new information at the same time.  Most other people do...

Goodbye “Natural” Vitamin D

My grandson in Minnesota is saying goodbye to “natural” vitamin D until April.  The sun is now too low on the horizon where he lives.  Soon it will be too...