Fracture Risk – More Important than DXA, BMD, & t-Score

February 27, 2014 Leave your thoughts

The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) met last week.  Our society has been dedicated to properly evaluating DXA to determine Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and t-score.  Now ISCD is taking the next step.

The recurring theme at the 2014 ISCD joint meeting with the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) was that DXA, BMD, and t-score are only tools to reach the real goal.  The real goal is Preventing Fractures.  DXA, BMD, and t-score alone do not get us to that goal.  As health care providers, we can best prevent fractures by evaluating the reasons for Fracture Risk, and correcting those issues. 

Complete evaluation of Fracture Risk requires adding FRAX, VFA, blood tests, and discussion of all risk factors, including nutritional needs.  We had presentations about nutrition deficiencies, medical conditions, and treatments for medical conditions, such as asthma, COPD, and cancers, which increase risk.   We had presentations about which blood tests can best help identify risk.

“Capture the Fracture” is a worldwide initiative to identify and decrease Fracture Risk, and prevent Second Fractures.  Visit the website

What message did we take home from this meeting?  You must assess your personal Fracture Risk by obtaining a Complete Bone Health Evaluation.  Then you can fix the items which need improvement.

You can Take Control of your future.  Just do it.

Jay Ginther, MD

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