
December 12, 2014 Leave your thoughts

Two weeks after Turkey Coma at Thanksgiving dinner, we think we get plenty of protein.  We do occasionally.  Most of us do not get enough protein on a daily basis.  The latest recommendation is one gram of protein daily for every kilogram of body weight.  That works out to a lot more than I thought.  See our Protein Chart.

Vegans have a real challenge eating enough protein in nuts, beans, garbanzos, lentils, and soy.  Most traditional Vegetarians add yogurt, cheese, and milk, which are all good sources of protein.  Some add shellfish and crustaceans.

Protein is the main component of much of our body, including Muscle and Bone.  Over 90% of Muscle.  Over 80% of Bone.  Therefore, enough Protein is necessary for Fracture Prevention.

Falls and Fractures increase as muscle strength decreases.  Sarcopenia (lack of muscle) is a big factor causing Fractures in seniors.  The older we get, the more important it is to maintain our muscles with enough protein in our diets.  By our 60s, we need to throw in an extra 10 grams of protein daily to meet our needs.

Many of us cut down on red meat because of cholesterol or triglyceride issues.  Grilled chicken has just as much protein without the fat.  Fish has almost as much protein, and is easier to chew.  Low-sodium seasonings or lemon juice help to flavor both.

Nutrition is crucial to Bone Health and Fracture Prevention.  Calcium, Vit D3, Multivits, and Protein.  

Take Control Naturally with enough Protein in your diet.

Jay Ginther, MD

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