Tai Chi at Sunrise

February 12, 2015 Leave your thoughts

My wife and I visited the tropics during January.  We did Tai Chi every morning while watching the sun rise.  A Blue Zone experience.  Worth getting up early!

Tai Chi is mostly about balance and co-ordination.  (Difficult to appreciate if you watched our group of rookies.)  Improving balance, co-ordination, and core muscle strength helps to prevent falls as well as strengthen muscles and bones.  We found it interesting and invigorating and plan to continue now that we are back in Iowa snow country.

Tai Chi is ideal for older individuals, like myself.  Yoga is easier for those younger and more flexible.  Ballroom dancing is a favorite of those who can do it.  Recreational sports work too, as long as you are careful and avoid collisions.  All have the advantage that they can be group activites.

Exercise is a necessity for optimal bone health.  Balance training and fall prevention are very helpful for fracture prrevention.  Along with enough Calcium, Vitamin D3, Protein, and Multiple Vitamins & Minerals, this may be all you need to prevent osteoporosis and fractures.

Take Control Naturally.

Jay Ginther, MD


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