Control What You Can

February 17, 2014 Leave your thoughts

Increasing numbers of patients are reluctant to consider pharmaceuticals for their Osteoporosis and Fracture Risk.  You may agree with that.  If you do you MUST be prepared to Take Control Naturally of those issues you can control:  Calcium, Vitamin D, Protein, Vitamins and Minerals, and Exercises for Balance, Strengthening and Posture.

These Natural measures are things that everyone should do for best results, whether taking Osteoporosis Medications or not.  For some individuals they can be enough by themselves.

Calcium in Foods is best.  Calcium Citrate supplements with meals to bring each meal to 400-500 mg are also good.  Adora Chocolates are delicious.

Vitamin D3 from the Sun risks Skin Cancer.  We can only get it 5 months of the year in Iowa, and we lose our ability to make enough as we grow older.  OTC Vitamin D3 is easy, but be sure to Test for 25-hydroxy Vitamin D Level, in order to tell if you are taking enough to get between 40 and 80 ng in your blood.

Protein in Foods need not be from animals, but you need to get enough in veggies, which takes definite effort.

Vitamins and Minerals from a diet of many different fresh fruits and vegetables can be tedious.  I prefer a Multiple Vitamins & Minerals Supplement as an easy way to be certain.

Daily exercises for Balance, Strengthening and Conditioning of your whole body, and maintaining upright posture of your spine are important.

You can Take Control Naturally of these aspects of your Bone Health.  Start today.

Jay Ginther, MD

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